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Fespa Wrap Rally II on the Road to Barcelona for Digital 2012

A crack team of Fespa employees are preparing for Fespa Digital 2012 by embarking on the second Wrap Rally journey, this time from London to Barcelona. Commencing on 12th February 2012, Richard Kensett, Rob Older and Chris Rimer will embark on a seven day print adventure through Europe to find and film the best examples of innovative digital print technologies and applications.

Covering a distance of over 2,400 kilometres, visiting 11 cites and 4 countries in only 7 days with a film crew in tow, the Fespa team will travel in a wrapped motorhome wrapped in a design chosen by the Fespa global community. There will be a choice of three eye-catching Wrap Rally designs which are up for public vote at Fespa website.

As part of Wrap Rally II, the print explorer’s journey to Barcelona kicks off in the UK via Belgium, France, Switzerland and Spain where they will be tasked to challenge printers to “Explore the Wider Opportunities”. Sponsored by HP (Platinum sponsor) and Hexis (Gold sponsor), the Wrap Rally II will finish up on the 21st February when the giant wrapped motorhome, emblazoned with the winning design rolls up to the doors of Fira de Barcelona Gran Via exhibition centre for Fespa Digital 2012.

Printers interested in meeting up with the Fespa Wrap Rally II team or just following their progressalong the way can follow their route online through the interactive map on www.fespawraprally.com.
Richard, Rob and Chris will keep the digital community updated throughout their journey with unique examples of the wider opportunities of print along the way through real-time content including; webinars, videos, interviews, photographs, blogs and crucially across Fespa’s social media platforms. You can follow their updates via Facebook and Twitter (@fespa) as their print adventure to Fespa Digital progresses.

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